Many of the topics we’ve covered at Maptime Boston have repositories on out GitHub page: Below is a list of tutorials and resources from most of our past meetups. Additional links can often be found in discussions on our Meetup event pages, so be sure to look there too.
Web Maps 101 by Andy Woodruff and Mike Foster
OpenStreetMap 101 by Jake Wasserman
Intro to QGIS - Make a Map by Mike Foster
Leaflet: Make a web map! by Andy Woodruff
Git and GitHub for Geodata by Calvin Metcalf
Mapping with D3 by Andy Woodruff
Spatial Data Formats by Shaun Walbridge
Projections and Coordinate Systems by Mike Foster
Hand Drawn Maps by Carolyn Fish (see the maps people drew, too)
Migrating to Leaflet 1.0 by Ryan Mullins
Mapping with R by Kent Johnson
Intro to PostGIS by Regina Obe and Leo Hsu
Map Design by Mike Foster and Andy Woodruff
Geospatial Processing with Python by Jake Wasserman
Geoprocessing with turf.js by Bill Morris
Geospatial Processing with Julia by Yeesian Ng