Mapping with D3

A friendly introduction

Andy Woodruff for Maptime Boston
@maptimeBoston | @awoodruff

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Before we begin...

D3 is HARD for beginners. Here at Maptime we'll try to make enough sense of it to get you on your way to making amazing maps, but we strongly recommend spending time with more thorough guides and examples.

If you see the down arrow in the corner of a slide, press down to see links to helpful resources on the subject at hand.

Yeah, you get the hang of it!

What is D3?

D3 is Data-Driven Documents:

“D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.”

What the heck does that mean?

It means taking data...

City # of rats
Cambridge 400
Boston 900
Somerville 300
Brookline 600

...binding it to HTML or SVG elements...


...and manipulating those elements based on the data.

Cambridge Boston Somerville Brookline Number of rats

Simple, right?

There's more to it, of course, but building on that core concept leads to spectacular things.

D3 was created by Mike Bostock using his giant brain. It is an open-source library with many additional contributors. (As a mapper, you will especially be awed by Jason Davies and his contributions.)

D3 is not a graphical representation

D3 is not a magic tool that draws and styles charts, maps, etc. Rather, it provides a means for YOU to create and style web-standard documents based on your data.

It's not about charts, nor maps, nor any particular kind of graphic. It is fundamentally about data and web documents.

(That said, there are a handful of cases in which D3 does kind of magically draw something for you based on some parameters. A basic example is an axis.)

(But let's stick to maps and charts for now.)

Enough introduction.

Let's make something!

Maybe we should start smaller. How about that bar chart from a few slides back?

Cambridge Boston Somerville Brookline Number of rats

Lay down some boilerplate HTML and load the D3 library.

  A D3 chart

Let's begin with some data. We'll use those rat numbers from the earlier table. Inside the <script> tag, create a simple array of the numbers.

var ratData = [400, 900, 300, 600];

Now let's make some SVG elements to which the data will be attached.

  A D3 chart




Back in the <script>, it's show time.

var ratData = [400, 900, 300, 600];

  .attr('height', function(d){
    return d/10 * 1.5;
  .attr('y', function(d){
    return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;

What just happened?


D3 has select() and selectAll() methods to find single or multiple DOM elements, respectively. This works much like jQuery.

	d3.selectAll('rect'); // select all SVG rect elements'#boston'); // select an element where id='boston'
	d3.selectAll('.bar'); // select all elements with the class 'bar'

Since selectAll('rect') finds multiple elements, everything in the chain following this will be happening to each of those elements.

'DOM elements' basically means HTML or SVG entities, like a <div> or <p> or <circle> element. Elements have properties and styles that we'll be controlling via D3 code.'rect')






The data() method is the very soul of D3. With it, an array of data is bound to page elements.

In your web inspector, see that the data has been directly attached to the <rect> elements as a __data__ property.

In the simplest case, array data is joined to elements in order. So our first <rect> gets a value of 400, the second 900, and so on. But there are powerful, more sophisticated ways of joining data to elements and specifying which elements get which data values.

See Mike Bostock's Object Constancy example and explanation of how key functions can be used in data joins.


Again like jQuery, D3 has methods to get and set element attributes and styles. They can be used to set hard-coded values...

var el ='rect');

el.attr('height', 10); // set the rectangle's height attribute to 10'opacity', 0.5); // set a CSS style
el.attr('height'); // returns 10'opacity'); // returns .5

...or they can set values based on the element's data by passing a function, which is what we did.

.attr('height', function(d){ // d = the element's data
  return d/10 * 1.5; // return value will assigned to the height attribute

For each element, the function will be invoked with d being its data value (in our case, a number like 400). Whatever the function returns is what the 'height' attribute will be set to.

.attr('attribute_name', function(d, i){
  return some_value;

This is a more generalized form of setting attributes based on data. d represents the data bound to the element. i represents the element's zero-based index in the selection. (We'll see that in action later on.)

So in an expanded example of our first bar...

.attr('height', function(d, i){
  // d = 400
  // i = 0
  return d/10 * 1.5; // 400/10 * 1.5 = 60

and the second bar...

.attr('height', function(d, i){
  // d = 900
  // i = 1
  return d/10 * 1.5; // 900/10 * 1.5 = 135

.attr('y', function(d){
  return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;

Finally, we do a similar thing for the rectangle's y attribute so that it's aligned to the bottom of our 150-pixel high SVG. (Otherwise, the bars would hang down from the top.)

Notice that D3 uses handy method chaining. Methods such as data() and attr() return the selection, allowing us to do multiple things in a row without having to reselect the elements.

You made a chart with D3! Hooray!


Ready to get confused?

Creating elements

It's more often the case that you don't have your data-driven elements pre-baked into the page, but rather create them on the fly. Let's give that a try. Start with another empty HTML page.

  A D3 chart

Deep breath. Here's code for the same chart. Don't worry, we'll walk through it all!

var ratData = [400, 900, 300, 600]; // looks familiar!

var svg ='body')
              .attr('width', 500)
              .attr('height', 150);

    .attr('x', function(d, i){
      return i * 25;
    .attr('width', 15)
    .attr('fill', '#d1c9b8')
    .attr('height', function(d){
      return d/10 * 1.5;
    .attr('y', function(d){
      return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;

var svg ='body')
              .attr('width', 500)
              .attr('height', 150);

First we have to create an SVG element into which our bar rectangles will go. This will look somewhat familiar if you've used jQuery. Select the body and append an svg to it. But there are two key differences from jQuery:

1. D3's append() takes only the name of the element, not actual markup or content.'body').append('svg')
// versus

2. D3's append() returns the appended element, not the parent. Thus the attributes we set in the next lines will apply to the SVG, not the body (as they would with jQuery).

var svg ='body') // returns body selection
            .append('svg') // returns svg selection
              .attr('width', 100) // returns svg selection
              .attr('height', 150); // returns svg selection

And because the last method in the chain returns the SVG selection, that's what our svg variable is defined as.


Cool, we're selecting all the <rect> elements in the SVG and binding data to them...

Wait, what!?

Those rectangles don't exist!

This part is hard to grasp at first, but don't worry if you don't understand. For now, just know that this is how you write the code.

If there are no <rect> elements, we get an empty selection, kind of a placeholder for what's to come. Once we bind data to this selection and append some elements, the selection will contain those elements.

For what exactly is going on under the hood with empty selections and the following data binding, take a look at this short step-by-step overview by Carl Sack.

This is the basic syntax for creating new elements to match a data array.


enter() refers to new incoming data for which there is not yet an existing <rect>. (We'll come back to that later.) For each incoming data value, we're appending a <rect> element.

.attr('x', function(d, i){
  return i * 25;

We space the bars our horizontally using that second i argument, the index of each bar in the selection. For our four rectangles, i here will be 0, 1, 2, and 3, giving us x positions of 0, 25, 50, and 75.

After this, we set fixed width and color values, and set the heights as we did in the previous example, and we're done!

enter, exit, and update

Now that we have rectangles on the page, we could go back and update them the same way we did in the first example. Maybe we want to change the numbers:

var newData = [800, 200, 400, 500];

  .attr('height', function(d){
    return d/10 * 1.5;
  .attr('y', function(d){
    return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;

Easy. Four new numbers for four bars.

But what if we send it five numbers? Or only three?

This is where enter and exit selections come in. They deal with new elements and unused elements, respectively, based on incoming data. The update selection is what we just dealt with: basically, existing elements.

Mike Bostock has a nice example of what we're about to do, showing how the three types of selections can work together: Three Little Circles. Also see his longer explanation of selections as you progress toward understanding everything.


We have four existing bars. Let's say we send our chart a new data array of five numbers.

var newData = [800, 200, 400, 500, 100];
var selection = svg.selectAll('rect')

The enter selection...


...contains one placeholder for that new fifth number, to which we can append a <rect>. We've already seen the enter selection in action, of course, back at the beginning.

So we bind new data and append another rectangle:

var newData = [800, 200, 400, 500, 100];
var selection = svg.selectAll('rect')
// selection has four rect elements and five data points

// this part will only happen for the new fifth bar                  
  .attr('x', function(d, i){
    return i * 25;
  .attr('width', 15)
  .attr('fill', '#d1c9b8');

Next we want to set the height of all rectangles. If we do that on the enter() selection above, it will only apply to the one new rectangle. But if we do it on selection, it will only apply to the four previously-existing rectangles.

To get everything back together and do work on all elements, we need to merge the enter and update selections:

var selection = svg.selectAll('rect')  // the UPDATE selection

selection.enter()  // the ENTER selection
  .attr('x', function(d, i){
    return i * 25;
  .attr('width', 15)
  .attr('fill', '#d1c9b8')
  .merge(selection)  // ENTER + UPDATE selections
  // everything below now happens to all five bars
  .attr('height', function(d){
    return d/10 * 1.5;
  .attr('y', function(d){
    return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;

This may appear confusing (merging the selection into itself? what?), but follow this pattern to add new elements, then update all elements both old and new.


Now we have five bars. What if we plug only three numbers into the chart? Well...

var evenNewerData = [600, 300, 100];
var selection = svg.selectAll('rect')
  .attr('height', function(d){
    return d/10 * 1.5;
  .attr('y', function(d){
    return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;

Okay, so we updated bar heights for those three numbers. But we still have two extra bars left over!

The exit selection...


...contains those elements that no longer have data after the join. In this case, it's those last two bars, because we didn't provide any numbers for them. And since we don't need them anymore...


Poof! They're gone!

If we put everything together, our chart is pretty flexible and can be updated as needed. Here's how that might look.

var ratData = [400, 900, 300, 600];

var svg ='body')
              .attr('width', 500)
              .attr('height', 150);

function drawChart(dataArray){
    // create a selection and bind data
    var selection = svg.selectAll('rect')

    // create new elements wherever needed                   
      .attr('x', function(d, i){
        return i * 25;
      .attr('width', 15)
      .attr('fill', '#d1c9b8');
      .merge(selection) // merge new elements with existing ones, so everything below applies to all
      .attr('height', function(d){
        return d/10 * 1.5;
      .attr('y', function(d){
        return 150 - d/10 * 1.5;
    // remove any unused bars


// Now try opening up the console and calling drawChart() with different data arrays.
// The chart will update with the correct number and size of bars.
// drawChart([200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700])
// drawChart([800, 700, 600])
// and so on


If you're confused, don't worry! Take your time with some of the good tutorials out there. Once you get the hang of selections and data joins, you are well on your way to D3 mastery.

Check out things like Mike Bostock's update pattern example and his explanation of selections to help you get there.

So we made a chart. Fine.

But this isn't Charttime

It's Maptime!

Do not be afraid

Maybe 'D3 is not a graphical representaion' is making sense by now. We had to get pretty specific in setting visual attributes just to make a stupid bar chart. And a map is way more complicated than that, right?

D3 is good at maps

Don't sweat; it's easier than you might think! Drawing a basic map doesn't take any more code than drawing those four bars.

All the code that turned GeoJSON data into that map:

  <title>A D3 map</title>
  <script src=''></script>
  <script src='neighborhoods.js'></script>
var width = 700,
    height = 580;

var svg ='body')
  .attr('width', width)
  .attr('height', height);

var g = svg.append('g');

var albersProjection = d3.geoAlbers()
  .rotate([71.057, 0])
  .center([0, 42.313])
  .translate([width/2, height/2]);

var geoPath = d3.geoPath()

  .attr('fill', '#ccc')
  .attr('d', geoPath);


D3 and GeoJSON

In short, D3 has some internal magic that can turn GeoJSON data into screen coordinates. This is not unlike other libraries such as Leaflet, but the result is much more open-ended, not constrained to shapes on a tiled Mercator map.

Time to get mappin'

Let's walk through that Boston map. First, include the neighborhoods GeoJSON data. We've assigned it to a neighborhoods_json variable in neighborhoods.js which is loaded in the document <head>.

The first bit of JS code should look straightforward now:

var width = 700,
    height = 580;

var svg ='body')
  .attr('width', width)
  .attr('height', height);

var neighborhoods = svg.append('g');

var albersProjection = d3.geoAlbers()
  .rotate([71.057, 0])
  .center([0, 42.313])
  .translate([width/2, height/2]);

Whoa, does that say projection? If you hear a cartographer get excited about D3, this is why.

D3 supports the map projections you've always dreamed of.

var albersProjection = d3.geoAlbers()

Back to the code. Above is what a basic projection looks like. It creates a function into which you can plug longitude and latitude values and get projected coordinates back. For example, having created the projection variable, the following call would return some coordinates:

albersProjection([-71.057, 42.313]); // longitude and latitude of Boston-ish

D3 has a handful of projections built in, but there are tons more supported in an external plugin.

var albersProjection = d3.geoAlbers()
  .rotate([71.057, 0])
  .center([0, 42.313])
  .translate([width/2, height/2]);

Back to this.

  • scale: honestly, just fiddle with this until it works
  • rotate and center: depending on the projection, you may need to use both of these to center the projection on your area of interest.
  • translate: a pixel offset, commonly specified to ensure that the center of the projection is in the center of the viewing area

Geo paths

Having said a minute ago that you can plug longitude/latitude pairs into a projection, it's rare that you will actually explicitly do this. Instead, it tends to happen behind the scenes with path generators.

var geoPath = d3.geoPath()

Once again we are creating a function here. A geo path is a function that takes a GeoJSON feature and returns SVG path data, based on the specified projection. Put differently in a kind of pseudo-code, we're doing this:

var geoPath = function(feature){
  // grab lat/lon coordinates from geojson feature
  // do some crazy magic to turn them into screen coordinates
  // return SVG path string

In a moment, it will help to remember that a geo path is a function.

  .attr('fill', '#ccc')
  .attr('d', geoPath);

Most of this should look familiar by now. Select a bunch of non-existent things, bind data, append new elements, and apply some attributes. Our elements here are SVG paths, which are basically free-form shapes.

This part can be a little confusing, though:

.attr('d', geoPath)

First, in SVG Land d is an attribute that defines the coordinates of a path. It's a crazy combination of letters and numbers.

Second, this is where it helps to remember that a D3 path is actually a function. The code above is equivalent to a more familiar syntax:

.attr('d', function(d){
  // do magic and return SVG path string

Lather, rinse, repeat

Again, if you don't really get it, don't worry! You can copy this basic template and re-use it for whatever you're mapping. The only thing you need to do is supply your own GeoJSON and tweak the projection to fit your geography. The more you play around, the more you'll understand.

It's time.


Guess what? Adding a point layer requires almost no extra effort.


var rodents = svg.append('g');

  .attr('fill', '#900')
  .attr('stroke', '#999')
  .attr('d', geoPath);

All we did is include new GeoJSON data (rodents) and then mostly repeat what we did for the neighborhood polygons.

When a path generator encounters point features, it draws a circle. Optionally you can specify a pointRadius to control the circle size.


All we did is make a couple of static graphics, but if you're like me, you're exhausted.

Still, there are a few additional things worth mentioning.

CSS styles

All of the examples herein specified things like color as an attribute on each feature for clarity. But a cleaner way to do it is with CSS. So on the bar chart, for example, instead of

.attr('fill', '#d1c9b8')

we could omit that line and include a stylesheet with

path{ fill: #d1c9b8; }


We'll save this for another day, but adding interaction is an obvious next step toward awesome maps.

For example...

Click the rats to get rid of them!

  .attr('d', geoPath)
  .on('click', function(){;

D3 uses pretty basic event listeners through the on() method.


D3 makes transitions (i.e., animation) easy, which is useful for anything from design flair to time-series graphics.

Click the rats to get rid of them!
  .attr('opacity', 1)
  .attr('x', width * Math.round(Math.random()))
  .attr('y', height * Math.round(Math.random()))
  .attr('opacity', 0)
  .on('end', function(){;

In short, stick a transition() in there, and anything after that will be animated rather than taking effect immediately. Read more about it.

Loading external data

Although our examples used pre-loaded data, D3 has methods for loading data asynchronously. Check out d3.json() and d3.csv() in particular.

Suggested challenge #1

Each feature in the neighborhoods GeoJSON has a 'density' property. We've learned that attributes can be set based on data. Try making a choropleth map by using the density data to set the 'fill' attribute of the neighborhood polygons.

Suggested challenge #2

Instead of using the path generator to show points, we could use SVG <circle> or other elements. (The transition example used images.) Try making a proportional symbol map from data such as this. Use the map projection to position circles with the 'cx' and 'cy' attributes, and use the numerical data to set the circle size with the 'r' attribute.


Get mappin'!